Legacy Snapshot

Legacy docs

Legacy Snapshot

Historically, almost all of Prow’s documentation resided in the kubernetes/test-infra (“k/t-i”) repo. As part of the migration effort, those docs were replaced with “tombstones” in https://github.com/kubernetes/test-infra/pull/27818, with a pointer to this page.

This page captures Prow documentation in the k/t-i repository as of October 25, 2022. All Markdown files have been copied in along with their directory structure here.

How you can help

The files in this snapshot should probably be reorganized around logical delineations, and not the (inherited) filesystem delineations from k/t-i. This is an ongoing effort and the goal is to one day delete this snapshot altogether (to be replaced by equivalent documentation outside of this folder).

Last modified December 1, 2022: Organize Legacy Snapshot docs (#26) (9ce71a0)