
Gerrit is a Prow-gerrit adapter for handling CI on gerrit workflows. It can poll gerrit changes from multiple gerrit instances, and trigger presubmits on Prow upon new patchsets on Gerrit changes, and postsubmits when Gerrit changes are merged.

Deployment Usage

When deploy the gerrit component, you need to specify --config-path to your prow config, and optionally --job-config-path to your prowjob config if you have split them up.

Set --gerrit-projects to the gerrit projects you want to poll against.

Example: If you want prow to interact with gerrit project foo and bar on instance and also project baz on instance, then you can set:,bar

--cookiefile allows you to specify a git https cookie file to interact with your gerrit instances, leave it empty for anonymous access to gerrit API.

--last-sync-fallback should point to a persistent volume that saves your last poll to gerrit.

Underlying infra

Also take a look at gerrit related packages for implementation details.

You might also want to deploy Crier which reports job results back to gerrit.

Last modified December 1, 2022: Organize Legacy Snapshot docs (#26) (9ce71a0)